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Serious Game breaking issue


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As stated my game has started to go weird, I can no longer use the Whiterun Workbench (every other one seems fine) and this strange Language issue has popped up (i believe it was from a russian Bow mod from here or steam, i did not realize it was russian when i installed it) i have since removed it and even reinstalled Skyrim yet this bug is still here and it seems to be multiplying (originally was just building names now its NPC's:O) any help in fixing this would be awesome.






Please i'm like hundreds of hours in, i really cant restart over...




Edited by Dante1327
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Some mods require extra steps to uninstall them (besides deleting the mod) like writing something in the console.

Just go to the russian's mod page, reinstall it and then seek in the description the uninstall guide and follow it step by step.

If there's no uninstallation guide, just comment and ask the author himself!

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I totally uninstalled the game and all mods and it was still there after in the Vanilla copy...on buildings i cannot understand why other than its hard coded itself to my save game some how...




Ok i have removed everything and his name has reverted to English, turns out it was this mod.




I install it and i get him like my screenshot above, remove it, goes to english again....why no idea..


I still have a few inns with the odd writing though even if i remove every single mod..

Edited by Dante1327
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