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How to declutter savegames? (suckers won't load!)


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I was wondering, is there some tool to declutter savegames?


I've got a level 71 character and over 130 mods, my saves are 15 MB large.


My problem: whenever I save during a battle and quit the game, reloading that save gives me a freeze (black screen) once the loadscreen is done.


However I CAN load slightly older saves from the same battle (from experience i save A LOT during these battles, especially when fighting multiple dragons (Deadly Dragons).


I guess there is just too much going on during my save, so maybe DECLUTTERING them would help.


also FYI, my load order:


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Try loading the earlier save that works. Then, without exiting the game, immediately try loading the save that doesn't finish loading. That usually works for me, but not 100% of the time. I think there are just situations where the game engine can't load a save. 15 MB is at the upper limit, but if you aren't seeing a constant, rapid increase in size, that may be appropriate. You can try the "wait 31 days inside somewhere" to allow everything to reset and see if that reduces the size. If you aren't experiencing odd freezes frequently while playing (a common symptom of large savegames), then you are doing pretty well with that save file size.
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so in other words my game is more or less healthy, just the save files are too big. pitty... a well, i guess i should have played a character per class instead of one uber warrior/mage/thief/kills everything dude ;)


btw, i've got quite a few pimped out mod-followers, do they impact much?

Edited by mensch8maschine
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