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SKSE set up - a story of what not to do


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I've only been modding SSE for about 2 months with a decent amount of time spent modding LE in the past, so I'm not a complete noob but most common knowledge isn't as common to me. Shout out to youtubers Gopher, Gamerpoets & anyone maintaining noob friendly guides.


One of my biggest problems was MO2 launch speed, it would take 30 seconds or more just to launch Skyrim, slick as snot now as we say in the mid west, we'll see if it fixes other minor issues I'd had.


What I did wrong:

When creating the skse scripts mod for MO2 I did not take the SCRIPTS folder out of the DATA folder. (NOOB!) Skyrim still launched, SkyUI worked, get skse version console good, Ok. Not ok.


For all that is holy: Do not leave the scripts folder in the data folder!


If this helps one person or makes you feel better about your noobish mistakes my personal embarrassment is worth it.

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