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Game Crashing... Again


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You could try rearranging your load order with FCOMHelper. See if that works



Smack me on the head but I'm afraid of fcom helper -- only because I tend to NOT like the most popular mods. I like homes. I like magic. I like decorating. I love clothes. I like Cobl and OBSE. I don't like mighty magic. I do like Supreme Magicka. I don't like deadly reflex. It sucks for a mage/archer. After I installed I lost the ability to zoom in, using the CTRL key. I have to use my r-mouse which irritates me.


Discussion on Fcomhelper is welcome, I have an open mind on that, but in the meantime:



Just using the helper tool won't add any of the mods you don't like and it has a fairly extensive database of even some of the lesser known / popular ones so I can't see what harm this could do you.


heh heh..

I actually downloaded it, when I was considering using it (not too long ago in fact) and I went through that database file and re-arranged them myself with OBMM based on its content. And yet, still I fear. :D


I think it's because I'm kind of a control freak and I don't like things that automate things too much, unless I know exactly what they're automating. Like in real life I won't have a dishwasher, I can wash them just fine myself.


I'd say, less "control-freak" and more "masochist". :P


I love the tool. I don't like having to sift through tons of OBMM errors trying to figure out which are important enough to dictate where a mod should be.


BTW, if we're going to go with your thinking, shouldn't you NOT be using a computer? ;)



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