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Sea blockade


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Hey guys ,I've got a little problem.

Ship mods are incoming ,but we have no islands in Skyrim... I mean ,we have ,but they are too close ,so I decided to remind my skills from Morrowind's CS and make some new stuff. To have sense ,islands must be away from icy waters .I found good place in the middle of nowhere , made test island ,and WTF. I cant get through invisible border. I know ,that I can make teleport to location ,but that wouldn't be sense of my idea. I want to get ship and sail around . Is it possible?

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The other files were SkyrimEditor.ini and SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini, correct? Then you edited the wrong file in the wrong location.


In Windows Skyrim.ini is located at C:\Users\[uSER]\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim.


You looked for it in your C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim folder and found the Skyrim_default.ini file, which is the wrong one. I'd suggest removing the line from that file, because that is the game's backup default file. If you were to delete your Skyrim.ini file, the game would recreate it based on Skyrim_default.ini

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