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Changing reload speed in perk entry in Creation Kit?

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I'm using the Creation Kit and I'm currently in the process of modding the perks to my liking, specifically the weapon perks like Commando, Gunslinger, etc. I can't find out how to change the speed of the non-VATS reload animation. There seems to be no entry point option for anything affecting reload speed, although there is one similar that affects VATS action point cost, I think. In the object window I searched for "reload" and the closest thing that I imagine would affect the speed of the reload animation is AbFortifyReloadSpeedMult, but this isn't available in the perk entry point menu so idk how I'd apply it to the perk I want.

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Quick hands changes reload speed wasn't it? *checks*


Yeah, although it's not controlled by a perk per se, it's an ability under spells. Go into Magic > Spells, and look for - AbPerkQuickHands. It should be set to 0.35, change it to 0.50 or whatever you want. 1.00 should be twice as fast.

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Quick hands changes reload speed wasn't it? *checks*


Yeah, although it's not controlled by a perk per se, it's an ability under spells. Go into Magic > Spells, and look for - AbPerkQuickHands. It should be set to 0.35, change it to 0.50 or whatever you want. 1.00 should be twice as fast.

I planned on incrementally increasing the reload speed with every perk rank but this will do, I'll just have the quick hands ability at level 3 or something. Now I need to redo the actual in-game Quick Hands perk since its ability will be transferred over to the individual weapon perks, should be interesting. Thanks borjoyzee.

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Yeah, look into conditions also. If you wanted it incrementally on the Commando perk you'll have to cancel each effect on the next perk rank or they'll stack. Nearly every perk with more than one rank can show you how to do that. You'd also need to create the ability spells for each rank of the perk going up.


Also for the condition only to apply to automatic weapons, you'll need to create a condition like:


Target: (or "Run On") Subject

Condition Function: HasKeyword

In the box next to it: WeaponTypeAutomatic

Value: 1.00

Tick the OR box.

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My bad, should have said, put it on the ability spell not the perk itself.

It's all good, I didn't even know conditions were that important. I just tested it the way I have it now (without any conditions) and its affecting non-auto weapons too. But we're getting somewhere.


You could have each rank conditioned so that the effect doesn't apply if the player has the next rank, then each rank can set its own value.

Yeah I didn't really know what that condition meant for a bit, had to look at it a bit more to notice it says = 0.00.

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Target: (or "Run On") Subject

Condition Function: HasKeyword

In the box next to it: WeaponTypeAutomatic

Value: 1.00

Tick the OR box.

Why tick the OR box? All the other Commando perks have 2 HasKeyword conditions, one 1.0 value for weapontypeautomatic and one 0 value for weapontypeheavygun. They're both set to AND. Wouldn't I just do the same when setting the conditions for my ability?

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Are you only doing automatics, or pistols as well? If you're doing each one individually then yeah, it should be AND. If doing it together on the same condition list it should be OR.


Check out Heavy Gunner, it only affects heavy weapons, has one in the list and is AND. Big Leagues has both 1 & 2 handed melee weapons, both have OR. (Because I'm assuming both need to be affected)


There's a page on conditions at the CK page, about halfway down it goes over OR and AND: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Conditions

Edited by borjoyzee
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