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Husky 2K Variants port?


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Hello! So I've been looking around for a replacer for the Huskies in SSE and haven't found any. Now, there is a great mod for LE titled Husky 2K Variants - an Automatic Variants Package that can be found here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63598/?tab=description


Permissions allow it to be modified and/or ported to SSE Nexus with proper credit, but unfortunately, the mod requires Automatic Variants and permissions absolutely DO NOT allow that mod to be ported. Would it be possible to modify and port Husky 2K Variants in a manner that does not require the use of Automatic Variants to operate? I'd appreciate it very much and I feel like other people would too considering there don't seem to be any Husky texture replacers for SSE. Thanks in advance to anyone who considers offering help or insight with this in any way, even if it's just to say that it can't happen. I'm hopeful but I'm not a modder and don't know anything about what sort of limitations there might be.


Edit: come to think of it, any sort of Husky replacer would be great, with or without variants (although variants would be extra great). If anyone wants to start from scratch and make one themselves instead of porting a mod from LE I'd also be VERY grateful for that.

Edited by SubOhmSteve
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