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NIF problem with CK


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I have had 2 separate modders send me files for item replacers. However when I download then with WinRaR they are only labeled to be opened with the CK. When I go and try and open them I always get an invalid entry error. This is basically 1 armor mod that recolors and rescales its size, and a weapon mod that changes scale and removes doo dads from the item. Any help would be great as I am very frustrated at this point. Thanks
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They will always do that, you'll need something like NifSkope to open the mesh file and view/edit it. The only reason it shows up with the CK logo is that it is recognized as a Bethesda file. Note that you will have to open NifSkope first and then select "Load" at the upper left, find your file and select that. Windows (for me) doesn't seem to recognize Nifskope as a relevant program to use to open .nif's automatically.


Depending on your item, you will need to path it correctly in the folders. If it is armor, by default the path is Skyrim/Data/meshes/armor/dragonbone(or whatever material it replaces). If you don't have these folders already, you can make them ensuring that the meshes folder is inside Data folder, and armor folder is inside meshes folder etc. You place the .nif file you have inside the last folder in the tree (dragonbone in my example).


You don't need to do anything else because it's not a .esp, the changes will be immediate when you start up the game if you've placed them in the right folder structure.

Edited by TheGreenLion
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