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USIOP and OMOBS Note Confusion


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I installed FCOM successfully and stuff, but my question is what is

Note: Use Standalone MOBS if using Frans or OMOBS if using FCOM/OOO. Both versions can be found here: http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/28537

under USIP and UOP when i BOSS


1. Is it telling me to use both OMOBS and USIOP or use only one of them. Slightly confused here. Anyone care to explain? (head is exploding of confusion lol)


2. Another Question is can i merge Unofficial Elsweyr Anequina Patch to it's master (ElsweyrAnequina.esp)? (Useing Merge to Master from TES4GECKO)


3. 1 last thing about USIP is it safe to Merge to master DLCShiveringIsles.esp? How about Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp does it work with merge to master? If it does which master does it merge to?

Edited by DarkXessZ
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