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Ayleids or Dwemer


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What do you think is a better extinct race.


The Aylieds from Oblivion or the Dwemer from Morrowind.

Both are Extinct and both have a really unique style of building.

The Dwemer with there big spirraling brown towers and metal work.

Or the Aylieds with large majestic white Pillars and marble work.


Plus they both have quite different armor types Dwarven armor (from morrowind or oblivion) and Elven armor.


These races are very different but I ask you


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Elven is superior.


Whatever the dorfs make the elves will make a lighter, faster version that's just as strong.


The Dwemer aren't 'drawves'. That's just misconception. The Dwemer are an elven race, just like the Dunmer, Chimer, Altmer and Bosmer. The 'Dwe' means something like 'deep' or 'learned'.

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Elven is superior.


Whatever the dorfs make the elves will make a lighter, faster version that's just as strong.


The Dwemer aren't 'drawves'. That's just misconception. The Dwemer are an elven race, just like the Dunmer, Chimer, Altmer and Bosmer. The 'Dwe' means something like 'deep' or 'learned'.



Ok but I didn't really answer the OP's question about who is the superior extinct race.


I was more on the topic of his reference to elven and dwarven armor/weapons.

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to be honsest i dont think we know what the dwemer are i think we thought they was dwarfs because its sounds dwaven


im not sure i think white scar is right they are elves i still go with dwaven tech anyday


Col John Sheppard

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I like the Ayleids, i haven't played Morrowind so i haven't played with there stuff


the Dwemer are elves that live deep in the earth like dwarves. but the Dwemer are taller then humans tho (which ruins the definition of Dwarves for me =P).

*Cough*Clickly*cough* =P

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I don't know enough of the lore to decide (never played Morrowind), but if I had to choose between elven or dwarven, I'd go elven.


I can fit into a stolen suit of elven armor; not so with dwarven.

Everyone who's ever played ANY rpg has entertained some sort of sexual fantasy about elves, I am sure; not so with dwarves.

Elf-tossing has never been a barroom sport, as far as I'm aware.


Elven is definately cooler.

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