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Skip intro


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I want to skip intro, without downloading additional mods like live another life.


I have tried adding








To the [General] tab in skyrim ini


I have tried to


Rename BGS_Logo.bik

Delete BGS_Logo.bik


I have tried a number of variations of the methods written above


So far not a single thing seemed to have had an effect


Then I tried to outright delete the main quest, didn't let me so I went into MQ101 and deleted up to and including quest stage 10


All that did was to stop me halfway into a new game, stuck with a black screen with Bethesda logo and music.


So to the question, how do I skip the intro?

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At the beginning of the game open the console, type showracemenu, pick a race, type enableplayercontrols, type COC (whatever location you want to start at).


If you wanted to make a mod out of it, you'd make a quest that runs on startup, and has a quest which fires a script to do the above, mind you the language to get the same effect is slightly different.

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