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Fire/Magic Texture Glitch


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So recently I started playing Skyrim again and I noticed that all fires/fire meshes in the game mess up all the textures. When I look in certain areas around them it makes the entire screen yellowish/orange and has a weird texture where the fire is. It's really annoying since I can't see anything, and the only fix I've found is going to third person view, but I want to actually fix the problem. I've tried removing all my mods which didn't resolve anything. I've also tried using the HD Textures DLC Fix and all it fixed was the unnatural glow of the wood in the fire. The same issue occurs when I use spells in the first person.


Here's what it looks like, one image I've moved the view just so it's normal and the other is what it looks like for most of the time:


Pics or it didn't happen.


I'd appreciate any help, thanks.

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