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Reverse Vampirism


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Might someone be willing to work on a mod that would "reverse" the stages of vampirism?


- When a vampire is at their strongest, I'd like for them to look like a beautiful human.

- When a vampire hasn't feed, I'd like for them to look like their hideous true form.


Further Development Ideas: As an added perk, if one could make is so NPC's reverse their vampire related comments about you, that would be great too. This means that when you're fully feed, you'd look beautiful and people would treat you like normal, and when you've went a long time without feeding, you'd look like a vampire and people would treat you as such.


Thank you in advance to anyone who might be interested in making this happen!

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If memory serves, there is a mod that does something similar, but it also reverses the way powers work. I think the OP wants to keep the powers system, but also make you get prettier when you feed. kind of like the bishonen line.
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I wanted to be able to select the vampirism overhauul of my choice and still not have to look like an ugly vampire. Most of the overhauls mess with the power levels gained after feeding, but don't touch the look of your character. Anyways, I finally found one that I think will work with SkyRe. Here's a link to the mod of anyone else is looking for something like this.



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