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greybeards and asking about where more dragon words are


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I only remember being able to ask Arngeir once since buying the game about more dragon word locations, but never again in any of my other games has the option come up?


Is it because I get involved with the blades and Arngeir snubes me for it by not telling me ?


Or do I have to get the first elder scroll and then he'll tell me? I forgot when He'll tell me of more locations?


I might of had the Unofficial Skyrim Patch in my game that time that I asked Arngeir about dragon word locations, and since removed that patch


this is the line I haven't seen in Arngeir dialog in newer games "Have you located any Words of Power?" or "whisperings of the words" only had this option once ever in one game

Edited by sinnerman69
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I didn't get advice from Arngeir every time I saw him. He didn't always have the option of "Have you located...", it only appeared every once in a while and then he either did have a new word wall or he didn't.


The conversation option is not available if you kill Paarthurnax.

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After you return the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller and the Greybeards finish the initiation ceremony. When you speak to Arngier, there should be a speech option "I'd like to learn more of the voice." Or something to that effect. Click on that and then you'll get the option to ask about word walls.


I've played with and without the USKP patch and I've always been able to get a word wall location.

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