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created npc with ck


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Hi everybody!

I'm new here, and ask for help...

I'm an italian boy so excuse me if my english is not so good...

The problem is this: i've created a marriageable companion npc with creation kit, in the game she's ok with dialogues, movements and all the rest...

When i reopened creation kit i've searched for her in object window between actors but i can't find her neither typing her name nor typing short name or id...

Can someone tell me how to do to find herOne another thing, when i create her the window where to see her full or face remains very small i can't make the window bigger so i can't see the progress...Can someone help also with this?

Thanks for any help i could receive!

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Have you checked your .esp and made sure it is set as the Active File?


For the preview window it is difficult to get a good view of an npc, the controls are a little different than the Render Window. Mine uses the mouse left and right button for rotation and mouse wheel to zoom. It is easier to make the changes and then place the NPC in the Render Window to get a better idea of what the NPC will look like. Hold ' V ' and move your mouse up to get closer and down to move away. It is a much smaller zoom amount than using the mouse wheel.


Hopefully this helps you!

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Thanks, i'll try... two more question: 1: every time i open ck i must click skyrim.esm and ok in file/data to start using it?

2: how can i make a new npc starting from an existing one? i've looked for in the bethesda tutorials but i haven't found anithing that could help in this...

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