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Picture Posting Question


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Simple question. I see people do this all the time, where they post a picture on someones mod page under images that shows the mod in action. I have some very nice screens from some of the mod I was using and through it would be cool to share them with the modder. Does anyone know how to add the image to the "users" section?





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It must've been changed somehow recently, because it was way more obvious to be found before.


On the mod page, in the "Actions:" bar, where all those little items for "Track file", "Report file", "Requirements", "Permissions and credits" and the like are, there's a little image showing 3 photos on top of each other, labeled "Add your own images". That's what you need to click on to upload your own images to a mod's page.


I could've sworn there was a huge button right among the images somewhere in the past, but it seems to have vanished now.


This little actions bar isn't really obvious in general. Most people aren't even able to find the required mods in it and keep asking for links top them in the comments.

It could definitely use some more "emphasize" or let's say "obvious-yfication" so these things will be easier to find.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Awesome, Thanks!


It must've been changed somehow recently, because it was way more obvious to be found before.


On the mod page, in the "Actions:" bar, where all those little items for "Track file", "Report file", "Requirements", "Permissions and credits" and the like are, there's a little image showing 3 photos on top of each other, labeled "Add your own images". That's what you need to click on to upload your own images to a mod's page.


I could've sworn there was a huge button right among the images somewhere in the past, but it seems to have vanished now.


This little actions bar isn't really obvious in general. Most people aren't even able to find the required mods in it and keep asking for links top them in the comments.

It could definitely use some more "emphasize" or let's say "obvious-yfication" so these things will be easier to find.

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