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Double Mouse Pointer in v1.6


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If you are like me and have had that annoying double mouse pointer with v1.6 and the standard methods of solving it were not successful this might be for you.

1) Click on properties of you TESV exe and go to the Compatibility Tab

2) Click on Disable Visual themes

3) Click on Run as Administrator at the bottom

4) Click on compatibility mode and look for Run Compatibility with Win7 ( Even if you have Win7 as a OS)

5) Do the same with your SKSE exe


I had the issue that even though steps 1 through 3 would solve the double pointer for the steam launcher it would not work for SKSE, after much angst and searching to no avail I tried the additional step 4, which did finally cure the bloody issue. Best alternate solution is don't use the v.1.6 patch but if you have crossed that bridge this might help you.

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