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Missing Vanlla Meshes


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I am having a very strange issue with my Oblivion. EVERY (and I do literally mean every) vanilla bookcase, chest, wardrobe, etc. are all missing and have been replaced with the large exclamation points in diamonds. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, hoping it would install the missing meshes. Unfortunately, it did no such thing. I have many mods installed, so I have no idea which one could potentially be causing the issue. I have also tried following guides such as installing ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated (which did not install, properly or at all, not sure which one) and OBMM. Neither of those worked, and those meshes are still missing. Can I get a possible guide to fixing this issue?
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Have you registered any mod .BSA files in the Oblivion .ini? Look for this line, without quotations, in the oblivion.ini file in "(Your Username)/documents/My Games/Oblivion" (Or it's WinXP equivilent directory depending on your OS. I use Win7)


"sArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa"


There may be other BSAs there, or OBMM's ArchiveInvalidation files, but, in general, you should add any unregistered BSAs to that line, including the ".bsa" part, seperated by a comma and a space.


Hope that helps!


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Unfortunately, this offers no help. Here is my Archive List line: "SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa"

By the looks of it, nothing is missing from any of my BSA files, so I haven't the foggiest what's causing the issue, and it's really starting to irritate me.

Would it help to list the mods I have, especially the ones that alter the world instead of adding items?

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Unfortunately, this offers no help. Here is my Archive List line: "SArchiveList=Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa"

By the looks of it, nothing is missing from any of my BSA files, so I haven't the foggiest what's causing the issue, and it's really starting to irritate me.

Would it help to list the mods I have, especially the ones that alter the world instead of adding items?


That might help, yes.

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Seems like you have a mod changing the original bookcases, etc. to point to different meshes which haven't been installed. Easiest would probably be to use TES4Edit and see what mod is changing these furniture items. I'm guessing it's the Harvest Containers mod though. Edited by Maskar
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Seems like you have a mod changing the original bookcases, etc. to point to different meshes which haven't been installed. Easiest would probably be to use TES4Edit and see what mod is changing these furniture items. I'm guessing it's the Harvest Containers mod though.


See, that's sorta my thought. except I suspected that the mod in question might use another .bsa that wasn't registered. For example, If you don't add MMM.bsa to the aforementioned line in the Oblivion.ini, none of the meshes from Mart's Monster Mod will load, resulting in exclamation icons, because oblivion doesn't know there are other .bsa archives.


Give us a list of installed mods, and we can A) check for other .bsa archives, and B) check for bad file references in the CS.

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Alright, here we go then:

Helm's Deep

Umpa Animations

AC2 Revisited

AC2 Gear

Adamant Set


Altair Race

AC Altair's Gear

Beautiful People (V1 and V2.2)

BladeSong (A custom questline)

Capes and Cloaks

Cute Elf

Cutthroat Merchants

Demon Hunter Race


Devil May Cry 4 Dante and Vergil outfits

DMC3 Dante outfit

DMC weapon pack

Dread Knight Armour


Jedi Lightsaber Collection v 1.5

Jhul Animations

JL121DK Armour (I have no memory of what this is)

KT's custom race fix

Kvatch Rebuilt (I had to disable Leveled Guards and OOO compatibility because Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul wouldn't install properly)

Jojjo's Lich King Armour

Living Economy

Lost Paladin of the Divines Armour

Male Body Replacer v4 (for the DMC clothes, not anything more)

Middle Earth Role Play (MERP)

The Midas Spells pack

Jojjo's Frostmourne

Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

Realistic Force (better ragdolls for lifting bodies, ETC)

Screen Effects (no memory of this, either)

Smoke's Floating Palace

The Snyx Race

Warglaive v2

Ren's beauty pack

And... That's it.

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