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Looking for a few experienced testers...


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The title says it all. I need people of multiple different mod setups and game versions to work out some bugs with a mod. Ideally I would like these people to be able to have some idea how mods work with eachother, and be able to identify what might be causing some of the related problems. This doesn't mean that they necessarily have to know how to fix it, and doesn't mean that they will be doing anything to fix it, it just makes it easier to what the exact problem is when you have experienced people reporting it. In addition I would like those who help test offer some feedback on what they like/dislike about the mod, and how things work for them. Although the mod is unfinished, feedback can help direct future endevors with the mod.


If you think you can do this, please post here explaining why you think you should be chosen, and what modding experience you have. Although I am looking for some additional testers, the mod is not ready for a mass public release, and by limiting the number of participants to about 6-10 people, I can spend less time processing feedback and bug reports and more time addressing them. I need good feedback and reports, not people who will download the mod and never be heard from again.

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HI, again, Vagrant.


You helped me with your criticism and advices and I felt kind of guilty not answering to your previous call.


Things I know: Scripting

Things I know some: AI packages and Quests

Things I have not done yet: Spells, Modeling and Animations


My mod deals with showing items from other mods, so I am safe to say I have experience with inter-mod communications. Like you, I also have a way to make software tools do what I want.


I am currently working on scripts to make the Player/NPCs/Creatures/Objects fly, but I have some extra time and would be happy to help you back, if you want.

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Having trouble from one of the people I still need work from, so have had to hold off on a test release. The good part is that there is more time for people to volunteer and for those paying attention, you have a better idea about what you will be testing.
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I could test the mod(s), patched everything up to the latest along with SI and unofficials.


I've got some basic experience with AI packages etc. Done succesful CTD tracking also.

I was in the WoW beta test, TBC beta test and been in the betas of several other games also, so testing how well things work/typing bug reports isn't new for me.


My free time however is somewhat limited atm, so I'd mainly be doing the testing in weekends and possibly on thursdays/fridays. If this isn't a too big issue, drop me a note and tell me exactly how thorough examination you need/prefer.(IE full game play through with exploring pretty much all dungeons/ruins or just main questlines, guilds & shrines.) Depending on when you're starting the tests, I might have more free time, but it doesn't seem like that for the next couple of weeks.

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I could test the mod(s), patched everything up to the latest along with SI and unofficials.


I've got some basic experience with AI packages etc. Done succesful CTD tracking also.

I was in the WoW beta test, TBC beta test and been in the betas of several other games also, so testing how well things work/typing bug reports isn't new for me.


My free time however is somewhat limited atm, so I'd mainly be doing the testing in weekends and possibly on thursdays/fridays. If this isn't a too big issue, drop me a note and tell me exactly how thorough examination you need/prefer.(IE full game play through with exploring pretty much all dungeons/ruins or just main questlines, guilds & shrines.) Depending on when you're starting the tests, I might have more free time, but it doesn't seem like that for the next couple of weeks.

There isn't that much playable content at this point. The purpose of the test deals more with figuring out if there are any major conflicts or similar issues which would prevent people from being able to use the mod. This comes mostly beause a few members of the team have run into issues with the worldspaces, so the sooner that the cause can be determined, the easier it will be to fix or work around them.

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Need to track down the source of a serious landscape issue. So need to have a few more people testing the mod to see if they are affected. If you are affected all I would need you to do is post your load order and possibly try moving or disabling things to narrow down the cause.


Please see the project forums at:



Post here if you think you can do this.

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I know that wilderness issue but there are some disagreement over the cause.


Imagine you have a path between 2 points and there is a bad point in the middle. Before you reach that bad point everything is ok, after that point all the greenarrows and doors vanish and the problems start.


The doors and stuff are effected and that effects the path finding and breaks the green arrow which is very error sensative. That is my favourite theory anyway. Its the only theory I have not blow away with my own tests. So if you find it is true for you too, let me know.


Here is my change log about it for KA and the people and tools that where able to help me fix it.


Update: 3.4 Fixed the local map issue that caused the icons on the zoomed wilderness maps to break. Many thanks to Ghostwalker71 and Elessar_VPR over on the Kvatch Rebuilt site for their help and advice here. For those interested in how this was fixed, I followed Ghostwalker71 advice and removed entries to cell 3,3 using TES4Gecko after noticing removing the same cell in the CS caused a lot of issues when the mod was restarted. Fixed minor guard recruiting issues, fixed some out of alignment wall issues. Removed the Enemy spawn points in and outside kvatch, these are not working out too well and are cluttering up the city when bodies. I will replace these with set piece engagements as part of the countly duties quests later.


Elessar_VPR was the one that actually clued me in on how to fix it. He can be found on the Kvatch Rebuilt Website any time.




Good Luck.



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I'm not following.


Cell 3,3 of Tamriel worldspace has not been touched in any way by the mod. There have been absolutely no changes to any vanilla areas, forms, or worlds within my mod other than Dialogues.


I really don't even know what issue you are trying to address.

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I'm not following.


Cell 3,3 of Tamriel worldspace has not been touched in any way by the mod. There have been absolutely no changes to any vanilla areas, forms, or worlds within my mod other than Dialogues.


I really don't even know what issue you are trying to address.


Oh you are following me because if you check kvatchs location, you will notice its not near 3.3 either, I was actually told it would be 0.0 but they where wrong so the cell seems to change but the error remains the same.


Your reaction mirrors my own when i was told this btw, its somewhere between WTF and head scratching.


Anyway just load the mod in to the CS (make sure its actually loaded in the CS or you wont see all the edited items). The go to the file menu and select data, then select you mod and click on details. Then check what cells where editted and ignore any that should not have been editted.


Keep a backup and make sure you use the CS to fix the error if you can because the third party tools are not so good at fixing that error as the CS is. I learned that the hard way.


Btw this has often been called the Cell 0,0 error too btw.


EDIT, the post you pointed at described the "you are here arrow" not showing the player at the correct location, that usually happens at the same time as the greenarrow stops working and the doors in the wildnerness vanish. Thats the error that i believe you have, if im wrong, just ignore what i said.



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