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Becoming a Lich

Guest deleted2588518

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Guest deleted2588518

You know... Werewolves and Vampires are fun.


How about a nice quest where the player has the option to become a lich? Full on skeleton style, magic tossing Lich. Skeleton models are already in game and they looks pretty damn good. You could even have a progression where you start out looking human... but after a while you start to decay. (draugr-ish) Once you spend enough time you actually convert to a skeleton. (not sure how long it should take 'in-game' wise)


Obviously this would make you highly vulnerable to melee attacks and you would have to really pay attention to who was attacking you. Very, very advanced play style. But then... Oak Flesh and Stone Flesh could help there... Think... Dragon Priest-ish only with legs. Though the floating thing could be pretty awesome as well..


The challenge here is making it where you can still interact with normal people without them completely freaking out that your a walking corpse. Vampires only get away with it until the hunger makes them look undead. Werewolves need to change completely to be attacked.. but people always comment on how bad you smell. (hahaha)


As a Lich you would have to be completely covered. No part of your body could be seen by the public or they would discover what you are... and become hostile. I'm sure there is a script key that could allow that to happen. And its easy to cover everything with a dragon priest mask, some robes and gloves, boots, etc... Requiring you to have them on all the time wouldn't be too much of a stretch because we do that pretty much all the time anyways.


So you're asking why. Why would I want to do this or have this as an option? Well... if you are like me you like a challenge. Second, the bonus to being a Lich is unparalleled mastery of magic. Alteration, Conjuration, Restoration, Destruction, Illusion... all play into what it means to even become a Lich. A requirement would be the mastering of most, if not all the magic schools. (level wise, not perks) So becoming a Lich would give you a higher understanding of said magics and allow the spells you use to have a greater effect.


Sure, you could get a bigger boom and longer cast times from another mod right off the bat and skip the lengthy requirement involved to achieve such heights of magical master... But then if you are that type of person.. you would have no interest in depth or RP anyways... Which is what becoming an alternate is all about.


Death. Simple. You're already dead. If you body becomes destroyed... you regenerate. So long as your phylactery isn't destroyed. (which could be stored at your house...) "But doesn't that remove the death penalty from the game?" Err... what 'Death Penalty'? I can reload the game from any position I've saved and completely replay whatever encounter or dungeon I want.. repeatedly.. No. What this would offer is a chance to maintain your game through death without having to reload a save. Though I doubt anyone would just allow it to play through without just reloading the save anyways... So that argument is completely invalid on both sides of the coin.


Pros: High level of magic. Very large increase in spell points. Magic spells do more damage, last longer, greater effect.. etc. Powers could be something along the lines of conjuring a horde of skeletons once a day. (looking at you Summon Skeletal Horde mod <3 ) Being able to syphon magic from other characters. (as opposed to the vampires life drain) No longer a limit on stamina. (because you're dead. Offsets by being critically weak in melee so you can't take advantage of melee swings, only its travel benefits) Health (if you could call it that at this point) would regenerate constantly, but at a very, very slow pace. Completely resistant to disease... (you're already dead)


Cons: Highly vulnerable to melee. Reduced carry weights (you're a skeleton.) Potions no longer work. (you can't drink them because.. skeleton. Poison obviously still works)

Inability to be seen in public without 100% coverage. (not sure how that is going to work on the program side of things. You people are smart, I have faith in you.)

Completely, irrevocably incurable. Once you make the change its done and there is absolutely no turning back.


Let me know if anyone would be interested in something like this. Also, suggestions, comments, etc. Keep the flaming to a minimum. If you don't like the idea that's great, but keep it to yourself. I'm 100% willing to work with who ever wants to do this. I'm not completely worthless when it comes to the CK, but I'm no script wizard.

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