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Savior's Hide Set


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As the title says, I was hoping for someone to provide a retexture that matches the Savior's Hide's color of metal with a retexture of the Elven gauntlets, boots, and the helmet. I have this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9444/?tab=2&navtag=/ajax/modimages/?user=0|:|id=9444 , and the Savior's Hide looked empty without some armor to go along with it. FYI, for male please.


I was browsing thru the vanilla armors while I had the Hide on, and the Elven armor looked like it would fit if it was the right coloring/texture.




If anyone does this that would be great, I think it might be simple enough, but also if anyone does this, could you put it in under Leather/Steel category in the forge, allow it to protect roughly the same as Elven counterparts, and have it unenchanted?


Thanks and Sincerely;


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