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[WIPz] Maafiaman's Epic Shop


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NOTE!!! This is not the final product. More items will be added and some might be removed.



1 - Introduction to the mod

2 - Items (see here screenshots)

3 - Other Screenshots

4 - Aditional Credits



1 - Introduction to the mod


Hi there,



After spending some time modelling I decided to make a mod that adds a shop but sells only custom items.

That's how I got the idea for the Epic Shop mod.


The mod has been in work for over three weeks now and I decided to announce it.


It will contain swords and some armor parts made entirely by me. All the concepts have been drawn by me except for the "Swinger of Death" blade (see below the items section). I got the concept for it from Pushkatu along with other concepts but I liked this one so much I decided to make it. I don't know who designed the sword but it is awesome.


I am planning to do about 12 unique swords model each with their own "shiny" copy and some of them have even 2 handed versions (which will have Adonnay's Swap Script applied to them).


The mod will also contain staffs (2 models done by now but none textured), axes, daggers and some custom armor parts, all of them made by me (models and textures).


Untill now the mod contains 9 unique swords model (17 swords including shiny and 2 handed versions), 1 helmet model and 1 mask model. The rest of models that are not UV mapped, rigged and/or textured are not included.


The mod will also contain some of my previous swords: Dragon Sword, Gladius, Ornate Sword and Falcata Sword (Falcata not included yet). Some of you might have seen them and observed the dull textures on them. That was because I was using Photoshop CS3 for the color map and normal map as well exporting them to .dds.


But now I learned how to make them give the best out of the texture and I recommend taking these steps too for those that don't know yet and use these tools:


- Make the texture in Photoshop CS3

- Save as .PSD file and as .jpg

- Open the .jpg file with GIMP 2.4 and make a normal map (see CS Wiki for tutorials on how to make awesome normal maps with GIMP)

- Open the normal map with Photoshop CS3, instert an alpha channel and save as .PSD

- Convert both color map and normal map .PSD files with DDS Converter 2



That way the textures won't look dull anymore. See CS Wiki for more tutorials on texturing and/or normal mapping.


Also the first version of the mod will not be the last. The mod will have constant updates featuring new weapons and/or armor, changes to the shop and maybe if I learn how to do it some quests for unique awesome weapons and armors.



2 - Items



2.1 Swords


The shiny version is a "reflective" version which features extra shininess and reflections much like the vanilla glass gear.



2.1.1 - Cristal Sword - 1 handed


This sword has only one version but it looks very awesome. The grip and middle part of blade are made from steel and leather. The cutting edges (blade) and the little cristal from the bottom of the grip are transparent and glow in the dark in a blue tint.


Cristal Sword 1


Cristal Sword 2


Cristal Sword 3


Cristal Sword 4


Cristal Sword Night 1


Cristal Sword Night 2



2.1.2 - Dragon Sword - both


This sword features 4 versions:


- One handed


- One handed shiny


- Two handed


- Two handed shiny


You can buy at the shop only the one handed versions but you can swap each of them from 1 handed to 2 handed using the a spell which is named "Swap Dragon Sword" that will be added to your inventory when you buy one of the swords. The script I used for the spell is Adonnay's swap script.

I already released the sword a while ago. It doesn't feature a new texture. It only has a new normal map so the steel is shiny now just like a sword is supposed to look.


Dragon Sword 1handed 1


Dragon Sword 1handed 2


Dragon Sword 2handed 1


Dragon Sword 2handed 2


Shiny Dragon Sword 1handed 1


Shiny Dragon Sword 1handed 2


Shiny Dragon Sword 2handed 1


Shiny Dragon Sword 2handed 2



Dragon Sword @ TesNexus (dull version)


2.1.3 - Drake Sword - 2 handed


I made this model long time ago but never used it because it was kind of hard to UV Map. But now that I found out how to make transparent textures I used it. The sword will glow in the dark in a red tint.Might be removed...if you like it tell me and I won't remove it.


Drake Sword 1


Drake Sword 2


Drake Sword Night 1


Drake Sword Night 2



2.1.4 - Gladius - 1 handed


I also released this weapon a while ago. Now it features new UV map, new textures and a custom scabbard modelled by me. It has a normal version and a shiny version.


Gladius 1


Gladius 2


Shiny Gladius 1


Shiny Gladius 2



Gladius @ TesNexus



2.1.5 - Leonidas Scimitar - 1 handed


As you can tell the design of this sword doesn't belong to me. The sword is made to look like the one that Leonidas used in the movie "300". It features one normal version and one shiny version


Leonidas Scimitar 1


Leonidas Scimitar 2


Shiny Leonidas Scimitar 1


Shiny Leonidas Scimitar 2



2.1.6 - Ornate Sword - 1 handed


Also released it a while ago. Now it features new UV map, new textures and I might add a scabbard.

It features a normal and a shiny version.


Ornate Sword 1


Shiny Ornate Sword 1


Shiny Ornate Sword 2


Ornate Sword @ TesNexus



2.1.7 - Swinger of Death - 1 handed


As I said before I don't know who made the design for the sword but I liked it very much and I decided to make it. It comes in both normal and shiny version.


Swinger of Death 1


Swinger of Death 2


Shiny Swinger of Death 1


Shiny Swinger of Death 2


2.1.8 - Sword of Sins - 1 handed


I made this sword a while ago and decided to include it in the mod as well although it doesn't look to great. The design is fantasy and it's made by me. Both normal and shiny version. Might be deleted, if you like it tell me and I won't delete it.


Sword of Sins


Shiny Sword of Sins


Shiny Sword of Sins 2



2.1.9. Tear of Athros - 1 handed


Just like the Drake Sword it was too hard for me to UV map this sword so I made it into a cristal one. The sword is totally transparent and in the dark it glows in a blue tint. Might be deleted, if you like it tell me and I won't delete it.


Tear of Athros 1


Tear of Athros 2


Tear of Athros at night



2.2 Armors


All the helmets will have .egm files which will make them fit any head no matter what shape it has. Some helmets will come with versions for argonians and khajiits also with .egm files.


2.2.1 Hard Steel Helmet - open helmet


This is the only helmet I UV mapped by now but it hasn't a texture yet. The texture from the screenshot is only for test.


Hard Steel Helmet 1


2.2.2 Assassin Mask


This is a leather mask destined for assassin characters. This helmet will come in various versions with different textures.


Assassin Mask 1



3. Other Screenshots



Shop Interior (completed about 12%)


Shop Exterior 1


Shop Exterior 2



The exterior is completed about 75%.


I am thinking of decorating the shop with replicas of some swords but not useable ones. They will be just decorative so the player won't be able to pick them up. The reason for this is that I don't want the shop to be empty after the player has taken/bought all the swords from the shop.



4 - Aditional Credits



Thanks to Adonnay for his awesome swap script.


Thanks to all the people who support me.


And thanks to TesNexus and PES for hosting my files.

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whats the difference between normal swords and gladius? just curious =)


From Wikipedia




Replica pseudo-Pompeii gladius. Note: the triangular ricasso or unsharpened portion of the blade just below the hilt is a historical inaccuracy as no historical gladii have been shown to possess this feature.

Place of origin Ancient Rome as gladius, Celtic Europe before then.

Service history

In service 4th century BC through 2nd century AD.

Used by Legionary in Roman service, Roman-influenced other forces.

Wars Roman Republic and Roman Empire


Weight 1.2-1.6 kg

Length 64-81 cm

Width 4-8 cm




Blade type steel of varying degrees of Carbon content, pointed, two-edged.

Hilt type Wood, bone or ivory.

This article is about the sword. For other uses, see Gladius (disambiguation).

Gladius is a Latin word for sword. Early ancient Roman swords were similar to those used by the Greeks. From the 3rd century BC, the Romans adopted swords similar to those used by the Celtiberians and others during the conquest of Hispania.[citation needed] This kind of sword was known as the Gladius Hispaniensis, or "Hispanic Sword." It was once thought that they were similar to the later Mainz types, but the evidence now suggests that this was not the case.[1] Rather these early blades followed a slightly different pattern, being longer and narrower, and were probably those that Polybius[2] considered good for both cut and thrust. Later extant Gladii are now known as the Mainz, Fulham and Pompei types. In the late Roman period Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus[3] refers to swords called semispathae (or semispathia) and spathae, for both of which he appears to consider gladius an appropriate term.


A fully-equipped Roman soldier would have been armed with a shield (scutum), several javelins (pila), a sword (gladius), probably a dagger (pugio) and perhaps a number of darts (plumbatae). Conventionally, the javelins would be thrown before engaging the enemy, at which point the gladius would be drawn. The soldier generally led with his shield and thrust with his sword. Contrary to popular belief, all types of gladius appear to have also been suitable for cutting and chopping motions as well as for thrusting


Great idea maafiaman!

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New items ready:


Sultan's Dream = Longsword


Offhand Sultan's Dream = Same but as shield



Shiny Sultan's Dream and Offhand Shiny Sultan's Dream = Same as above but shiny with different stats (better).



Another items is Hard Steel Cuirass.



Sultan's Dream and Offhand Version

Shiny Sultan's Dream and Offhand Version


Hard Steel Cuirass = Not textured yet



Hope you like them,


Cheers :thumbsup:



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ahh!!! come on Maafia i am so ready for this mod keep up the nice work my friend


Col John Sheppard


Well my friend :) for some time only I will be the one to view/play (I mean test) it. There is so much more work left...and items to be added ;).


Cheers :thumbsup:



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