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[WIPz] Maafiaman's Epic Shop


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Great work man, really looking foreward to it. Just a small comment I have though. A couple of the swords (namely the dragon sword and the sword of sins) seem a bit bulky and not "sharp". By all means your skill in modeling far exceeds mine which is basically nothing ;) and I am grateful for modders like you, but it's just a thought. I really dig the swinger of death and the sultan's dream. keep up the good work!
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Well....I have good news and bad news.


Because it's usual I'll start with the bad ones.


Because of something stupid I did all my work-in-progress armors have been corrupted. The only armors I have are the ones that are posted here. But I won't release them in the first version.


However the first version will be a master (.esm) file so I'll have the possibility to release further updates. So one (or more?) updates will contain armors.



The good one is that because of the thing I did the mod will be released sooner than I have planned but will only contain weapons.


I will also try and remake some shields (because those are faster to remake), but the armors will be left out for an update.


Hope you will understand,



Cheers :thumbsup:






Further screenshots:


Ancient Slayer 1


Ancient Slayer 2


Ancient Slayer 3


Ancient Slayer 4


Golden Sacrificial Dagger 1


Golden Sacrificial Dagger 2


Sacrificial Dagger 1


Sacrificial Dagger 2


I have more models exported but not textured yet ;)

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keep it up Maafia


Col John Sheppard


Well....I am trying :D. It's just that making these look at least good is not easy :confused:



Anyway :thanks: for your support Sheppard :)



Cheers :thumbsup:



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oi nice :) i sense some very good ideas here :) and more variety always adds to the fun...

i agree on the sharpness critique of some swords tho, maybe just make the blade thinner on some swords or somin

another critique i have to let loos is about the textures... i know a screen never can fully show the ingame feeling but id make em a bit more natural - e.g. the celtic knot on the ancient slayer is too dark and thus creates the feeling of being glued on but not being darkened metal...

nevertheless theres much potential in that package and i look forward to it :)


keep it up mafia :D

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