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More difficult entry to factions (e.g. companions)


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The main idea is the same as a mod that already exists in which Brynjolf doesn't let you join the thieves guild unless you have some items stolen/pickpocketed.

I always thought it is too easy to join the companions(greatest skyrim's champions) or the mage's guild. If I knew where to start I would do it myself, like requiring for example 70 in a warrior skill(archery or 2h or 1h)and requiring 60 in some magic school to enter the mage's guild. Any ideas?

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It is - but could you please tell me what you would like? Since the mod is being made for you - I'd like to you have input on what the requirements for each guild should be :)
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my ideas:


Companions: a small tournament (no magic maybe?)? winner joins

Thieves Guild: have a stolen item and a certain sneak and or pickpocket level

College: minimum magic level in any of the schools

Brotherhood: minimum sneak level, minimum one handed/archery level (they are assassin's not thugs killing people till there are no witnesses (i've done that with one of my characters they had no qualms)

Edited by StuartSmiles
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well for example to gain entry to the companions you could need 70 in a 1hskill or 2h or achery, and to gain entry to mages guild something similar or perhaps casting a mid-level spell to show the girl that you are worthy. For the thieves guild requirements there is already a mod, the one that brynjolf doesn't aproach you if you have not stolen or pickpocketed a certain amount of items.
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