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More difficult entry to factions (e.g. companions)


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Okay - then this is what I will do


Companions: combination of 30 skill level for all archery, 1h, 2h - so you have to be somewhat proficient in all forms of fighting

Thieves Guild: [already a mod - not doing]

College: min 30 skill level in all schools of magic

Brotherhood: min 30 skill level in sneak, 1h, archery



I think a companion scene would be too much work for a simple mod like this - I think that you could probably make that a mod on its own. If I were to do that, I would want to get professional voice actors with very high quality microphones.

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Level 70 in a skill I think it is too high.

I also liked the idea proposed here, would like to look into it as well.

Just a tournament with the other members of the companions would more than enough. If may I suggest the order, according to the lore, the tournament be of these challangers:

1st: Ria, as she is the youngest companion.

2nd: That dude I don't know the name whose only passion is to drink.

3rd: The one that trains the player on Block.

4th: The dark elf who trains the player on One-Handed.

5th: Skjor, to trully test the player's might.

Battling Skjor to join the companions also adds much to the history

because as he dies you go in a revenge hunt alongside with Aela, so having battled him in this cerimonial tournament would make tigher bond between the player and Skjor, bringing him closer to the sorrow of his death

, or you could battle against Kodlak at last, as he is the Harbinger.

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I'm excited to see someone making this mod. I'm tired of my non-fighter, non-mage characters being constantly referred to the college or the companions. I assume the mod will put a condition on these miscellaneous dialogues as well, so they won't be heard until after the skill levels for that faction have been met?


Rather than using min skill levels for the Dark Brotherhood, what about basing it on the player having committed a certain number of murders or assults?


This way, if someone is playing a good character and doesn't want the Brotherhood quest to get triggered, they can choose to avoid murdering or assaulting anyone. If they can do this, they will never hear the rumor about Aventus and therefore will never have the DB quest initiated. If you base it solely on skill level, then even good characters will still have the quest triggered...of course this doesn't mean that they would have to complete it, but there are many people who would rather not have the dark brotherhood quest show up at all in the journal of their "good" characters.

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^there's a mod that removes quests from your jornal i think


I think that he meant that you wouldn't receive the quest in the first place. Unless the mod allows you to remove quests that you haven't done yet.

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