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More difficult entry to factions (e.g. companions)


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Yes, what I meant was that the quest wouldn't initiate until the conditions were met. I haven't really looked into it, but I believe that you'll need to add conditions to both the quest and any packages or dialogue that may run prior to initiating the quest. For the Dark Brotherhood, you may only need to add the requirements to the initial rumor dialogue which first triggers the quest.


I think the cleanest way to add the requirements without interfering with the story is probably to prevent the initial faction quest from beginning until the player meets the necessary conditions. This goes for the other factions as well, and it's what I did with the Thieves Guild requirements. The Thieves Guild quest won't get triggered until you meet the requirements. To do this, I had to add conditions to both the initial Thieves Guild quest as well as two AI packages.


As far as I know, the Dark Brotherhood quest is initiated when the player hears the rumor about Aventus. I think the Companions can be initiated either by talking to people in Whiterun or by encountering Aela and others fighting a giant, so both of these events might need to have the conditions added to them. The College is initiated by dialogue with innkeepers and some merchants who will tell you about the college or probably also by directly visiting the College.



Could you point me to the mod that allows you to delete journal entries? I haven't been able to find a mod that does this. Edit: This really isn't critical for me, since I'm typically okay with just ignoring any journal entries I'm not interested in. However, in making the Thieves Guild requirements mod, I discovered that this is something that does concern a lot of people, so if possible I would try to account for that.

Edited by kryptopyr
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I agree with kryptopyr "I think the cleanest way to add the requirements without interfering with the story is probably to prevent the initial faction quest from beginning until the player meets the necessary conditions".


The cleaner the better.

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Okay guys I will be uploading momentarily for minimum requirements for the Mages Guild and Thieves Guild - The others are a little bit more complicated and I want to make sure this works before I move onto those other guilds - Would you mind testing these for me? I am going to test too but I think it's a good idea to get a fair few people test it out.


EDIT: Here's the link - please feel free to test those two guilds and let me know how it works for you.



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FWIW, I've done something like this for the Companions guild in my mod Enhanced Skyrim Factions: The Companions. It adds level, skill, and time requirements before each "story" quest in the Companions questline, and increases the number of radiant quests required between them. There's a default set of requirements, that can be tweaked using console commands to match specific gameplay styles and situations.


I'm not going to be doing anything similar for the other Guilds--I don't have time, and it looks like Cynster's already working on them. :thumbsup:

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