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Where to place new .psc scripts


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I can't figure out how to get a new script to show up in the Creation Kit. I would have thought it would be this folder:

"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source"

because there are a lot of .psc files in that folder, including ones accessible in the Creation Kit, but when I put a .psc file in that folder it did not show up in the Creation Kit...and the Creation Kit wiki did not say where to put .psc files (at least I couldn't find any references).


I really appreciate any help, cause this problem has stopped me dead in my scripting tracks.

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"C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source"


That's exactly the right folder, but to use it in CK, you have to compile it first:


Open Papyrus Script Manager within the Gameplay menu, search for the script. Then right-click on it and compile.

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