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Looking For Some Lost Mods


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I recently lost all my mods due to rats destroying my external harddrives while I was at the hospital.


I was hoping someone could point me to where a few of them are. I searched everywhere, but can't find them. Help please.


1. A mod that replaced one of the moons with the Mare in the Moon.


2. A mod that retextured an existing outfit (I forgot which one) into a Rarity dess. A vert mice looking outfit. It even had Rarity's Cutie Mark on it too.


3. A mod that replaced one of the moons with the Earth.


I ask that someone help me find them.





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I suggest to check your download history on your nexus account. If you got these mods via nexus they will be listed.


That won't work. I downloaded these before I got my current account. The other one is gone.


I found 1 and 3. But I can't find 2 anywhere. It turned the ' SeraphimStandAlone.esp ' mod into a Rarity dress by retexturing it.


Any help on finding 2 would be most appreciated.

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