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127 plugin limit? Please help


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Hi, hope this is the right place to post this, apologies if not, Iâm very new to nexus.


Basically Iâm having a problem where my Skyrim VR game stops working whenever I have more than 127 plugins. Yet I thought the max amount was 255, or is Skyrim VR different? Iâve tried uninstalling the newest mods, in case they were causing the problem and the game worked fine until I installed another mod with a plugin and then it happens again, so it doesnât appear to be a bad mod. When I have 128 plugins the game starts fine, I start a new game, but as soon as I enter Character Creation the game crashes. If I have more than 128 plugins I get an infinite loading screen as soon as I start the game, donât even get to the start menu. Iâm all out of ideas now. Iâm using Vortex.

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It sounds to me like a problem with your mods. I havent heard of a 128 limit and I too thought that 255 was the limit.


Its has always been a mission to find out what mods to clean (and what to leave), what load order and what is compatible.


If you look on reddit, there is are some guides:



see if there are any that take your fancy. I am going to be modding skyrim vr soon. i'm hoping that I can update skyrim vr and still use the latest skse as i want to wipe and start over.

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I thought it might be a mod, but the game seemed to work fine with all the mods I was using up until I hit 128 plugins, no matter which mods I added after that. Unfortunately I've been unable to solve the problem, so I've reinstalled Skyrim and started using Mod Organiser. At least if it happens again I should be able to fit in a few more plugins thanks to .esl files.


I'm currently following the Nordic Skyrim Guide, it's for SE and Oldrim version but he covers a lot of areas to make Skyrim look absolutely stunning and make it feel much more lived in. Can't recommend 3D Trees and JK's Skyrim enough, they truly took my breath away.


Thanks for responding.

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Good luck! Im using vortex and having a bit of a nightmare with it. It doesnt seem to be installing some mods properly at the moment.


Weird thing is, ive used the same mods to mod skyrim se with vortex and all is fine.


And its not all mods either. Most of them install fine.

I've posted over on the main vortex support page - but i dont know if ill get an answer.


I'm no where near the 100 plugins yet!

just FYI (you might already know this) I've since learned that Alternative start is not compatible with the VR mode and the fixes offered by some sound promising but will break your game.

Also, USSEP and VR Fixes. USSEP has to be version 4.1 or 4.2. There is a discussion over on reddit that clarifies it.


I understand that the author of USSEP is not offering older versions of USSEP on his mod page. Luckily, someone has over on reddit.

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Ye, gotta say after using MO2 I much prefer it to Vortex. I've also gone past the 128 plugin limit I hit last time, still don't know what that was about but I recon it might have been one of the quest or new land mods, as I haven't installed any yet due to thinking I might not be able to fit all the plugins. Gonna try again once I've got all the other mods sorted and tested first. Just weird that if it was a mod they allowed me to keep adding more mods up until 128 plugins then threw a fit.


Alternate Start doesn't work unfortunately but Skyrim Unbound does. It's more of a gamble where you'll end up and what weapons and clothes you'll have to start with, (you get some choice, like 'start in a city', but you don't know which city you'll get) but at least I don't have to go through Helgen everytime I test my mods.

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Unfortunately it's happened again. I'm 90% sure it's one of the Quest/Dungeon Mods, as once again they were the last mods I added before this started happening. However due to the weird way this mod causes errors I can't pin down exactly which one it is. At least this time my new plugin limit is a lot higher, but the limit does include ESL's unfortunately. Luckily I've managed to compromise by deleting a few plugins that I wasn't really that bothered about to make room for the last few patches I needed.


Also I've tried deleting all the Quest/Dungeon mods but that didn't increase the new plugin limit, so it seems that the mod that caused this changes something in the game's data files, possibly the ini, therefore preventing me from just deleting it to solve the issue, or from finding out exactly which one it is.


Just putting this out there in case someone knows what the problem is and how I can get my plugin count to work properly again.

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