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AddFormToFormList and AddItemToLeveledList fail silently


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If I add a new item to a form list in GECK, it works fine, but I'm trying to add it in a script to avoid incompatibility with other mods. (I'm sure I'm not the first modder to shoot new stuff through the RockIt Launcher). So, I created a quest called belthanInitialization and gave it the quest script below. The final script obviously won't have ShowMessage in it, I just did that to figure out why it wasn't working. I think there's a clue here, but I'm not sure what it means.


If I do this:


scn belthanInitializationSCRIPT
begin GameMode
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug1
AddFormToFormList RockItLauncherAmmo belthanHorseshoe
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug2
stopquest belthanInitialization
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug3


Only message 1 is displayed, horseshoes can't be used in RockIt Launcher, and the quest does not stop so message 1 keeps displaying every 5 seconds.


If I do this:


scn belthanInitializationSCRIPT
begin GameMode
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug1
stopquest belthanInitialization
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug2
AddFormToFormList RockItLauncherAmmo belthanHorseshoe
ShowMessage belthanMessageDebug3


Messages 1 & 2 display once, quest stops, message 3 does not display and still can't use horseshoes in the RockIt Launcher.


I get the same exact symptoms using AddItemToLeveledList to add horseshoes to clutter lists so they show up randomly in containers. Any ideas?

Edited by Belthan
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