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Bendu Olo differences


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So, I'm trying to do the skyrim Bendu Olo quest tutorial in Fallout 4, and I'm wondering the proper way to do chapter 5. You have to make a script, but posting the OnDeath part-



Scriptname GSQThiefScript extends ObjectReference


Quest Property TutorialQuest Auto


Event OnDeath(Actor killer)



-will of course not compile. What is the proper way to do this? Thanks for any help.


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The tutorial is old school in suggesting to attach scripts to forms unnecessarily. The elegant ideal that will set you up for far more flexible solutions in the future would be:

Create a new GSQThief reference alias in your quest

Configure [o] Unique Actor GSQThief

Attach a [new] ReferenceAlias script to that with the same content.

The script header will be like: Scriptname GSQThiefScript extends ReferenceAlias and it will receive all actor events including OnDeath()

A recent "use reference alias scripts, not form attached" discussion that delivered the desired outcome here https://old.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/a0iaz9/fo4_papyrus_help_with_power_armor_and_onequipped/

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