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Dangerous looking creatures


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What creatures look the most powerful, dangerous, scary?


from the pathetic rat to the monstrous minotaur.


It dosen't matter how powerful they actually are just how strong they look.

I mean the big xivillia (a powerful daedroth spelt wrong) dosen't look nearly as

scary as a land dreugh even though it is more powerful.


So.... what do people think?

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Heh, sneak changes most :) For me it's any summoner durable enough not to die by one sneak attack. Such as spider daedra at medium levels, for example, or spriggan at lower. Thankfully, they are still not as healthy as the most dangerous opponents in "fair" combat.
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when you forget to bring a silver magic or daedric weapon?


Col John Sheppard


nope, john

its just when the difficulty on about 60 % they are harder than other creatures..


odd i play on hardist 85% of the time me or soina kills them they dont put much of a fight all ghost unded apart from gloom wrath they put up a fight and so do most of the daedra


Col John Sheppard

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