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Dane Axe mod


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I was wondering if anyone would be able to put a danish battle axe into the game. Here is a wikipedia article about them (has a picture with it)

it would be great if it looked like the one in the picture in that article. I feel as if the handles for two handed axes in skyrim are unrealistically long , so it would be great if it were to be made that the handle would be of reasonable size.

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I was wondering if anyone would be able to put a danish battle axe into the game. Here is a wikipedia article about them (has a picture with it)

it would be great if it looked like the one in the picture in that article. I feel as if the handles for two handed axes in skyrim are unrealistically long , so it would be great if it were to be made that the handle would be of reasonable size.


Check out the Nordic great-axe in the JaySuS swords pack. I'm using it my self and I'm quite satisfied.



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  • 3 months later...



That danish axe on Wikipedia is actually mine (custom made, based on an axe in the Royal Armories). I was Googling "Skyrim Dane Axe" because I don't like the big ridiculous Daedric axes and I was glad to see someone else likes historical aesthetics as well. Just a note on the Dane axe or "long axe". This is a bit of a controversial item but I believe that they did have long handles, based on my research, extant examples and depictions in period art. The handles seem to have run from four to six feet in length, and in a sense were proto-halberds. Think of a huscarl in double maille, standing just behind the shieldwall, and chopping down into the enemy ranks. That takes a long handle, so the handle on mine is about 60 inches long. I don't like the blade profile of any of the axes in the Viking Weapons Mod, but the handle length for the dane axe is just about right in my dumb opinion.



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  • 4 years later...

i like the look of the one from the game for honor more because its a beast of a weapon it might not be to traditional one but would look way more beast mode and more scary because it is 3 x bigger then the one you have https://ubistatic19-a.akamaihd.net/resource/en-AU/game/forhonor/fh-game/fh_hero-detail-raider-axe-1_ncsa.jpg hear is the axe im talking about

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