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Can you not copy and paste into the Console Command Menu


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Well, in fact there IS a way to copy+paste from Windows to Skyrim, Fallout 4, etc... but a third party software is required.


Download AutoHotKey (free open source project) and create a simple script that (only) contains this...:

SetKeyDelay, 0, 25
Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r
    Send, %A_LoopField%
    Send, {Enter}
    Sleep 200

In the first line you could change the 'b' key for another if you want.


Execute the script AS ADMINISTRATOR (it will not work in-game otherwise) and it will keep running in the background waiting for a Control+B press.


It's the same as the common Windows Control+V, but in this case it will key in every character in your clipboard.


The delay you'll see between keystrokes is necessary for not obtaining garbled text. You could fine tune the SetKeyDelay and Sleep values as you want, according to your system. Those values work for me in my i5-2500K rig.


Have fun.


No, it's not possible.

Yes I know this haha its been 3 years grave digging this thread :)

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I may be a bit late for this, but I was looking for myself. Not easily finding something, I made it instead. So, figured I'd share it.

Just install AutoHotKey, and run the program as admin. Then when in game, you can hold LAlt and v to copy paste whatever ya need. As a bonus, I made Lalt and m minimize the window, works even in borderless windowed mode.

I've done all the work required, and it should work fine for Skyrim LE or SE. In fact, it should work for anything really~

*tries to upload the file, gets told Im not permitted to upload*

Well, f*** it, I guess Ill just tell you what to do. After installing AutoHotKey, make a new text file. In the text file, copy paste the following into it.


;by unmog
;important, if your system is slower and you get garbled text
;just increase 10 to something higher

#SingleInstance Force

LAlt & v::
SetKeyDelay, 10
Loop, parse, clipboard, `n, `r
    Send, %A_LoopField%

LAlt & m::WinMinimize, A


When thats done, then name the text file to whatever you want but put .ahk at the end for the file type.


And dont forget to run as admin or it wont work. In case you want to be lazy tho, make a shortcut to the file, right click the shortcut and go to properties, click advanced, then click the box at the top that says "Run as administrator" and you never have to again~


When thats done, then name the text file to whatever you want but put .ahk at the end for the file type.


And dont forget to run as admin or it wont work. In case you want to be lazy tho, make a shortcut to the file, right click the shortcut and go to properties, click advanced, then click the box at the top that says "Run as administrator" and you never have to again~

Edited by GSmog
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