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Brainstorming a script


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I am working on an actual companion, and as part of their story, I need a script that regularly checks if they are in rage of a crowd of people (or perhaps some Xmarkers) and then force-talks to PC and dismisses self, returning to location.


So, it seems GetDistance() is the best for this. I'll have to use Xmarkers.


So, It looks like I'll be checking if the NPC is always near a group of Xmarkers, and this will be running constantly. Is there a more efficient way to do this?

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Can you go into more detail about this mechanic? I'm not totally clear on what you want to do here, You're looking to make your follower auto-dismiss when there are too many people nearby? Or when he arrives at a certain location?


GetDistance is probably the function you want, but as far as I know it can only be applied to one reference at a time, so you'd have to run a bunch of GetDistance functions concurrently and have the script trigger the FollowerDismiss function if all GetDistances return an acceptable result.

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Correct - You'll be traveling with a companion and when in rage of specific Xmarkers the script (which is looking for getdistance() of any of them) will trigger a scene where they force-talk to you and dismiss themselves.


I just need to know how to make the script and what to attach it to. From what I remember, scripts like this can be optimized for performance.

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Since the xmarker is a placed object and no dynamic, why don't you just put a trigger in the place you want the actor to start the scene?


I've never really used that object, so I don't know how to do that. Any tutorials or examples I can draw from that will make it clear?

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