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1.6 Update Causing Stuttering/Bad Frame Rate


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A couple of weeks ago I upgraded Skyrim to version 1.6, and ever since it's been virtually unplayable. The entire world shudders along as soon as I enter combat, start to run, or even look around quickly and it's doing my head in. I used to play with a dozen or so mods on medium-high graphics settings (my pc recommended high, but I like to make sure the gameplay is as smooth as possible) and it would run absolutely fine. I've been playing like this for months now. But as soon as I updated it, the game started to lag horribly. I cut back on some mods and lowered the graphics settings and it got a little better, but was still horrible to play. When I took off all my mods and put it on the lowest graphics setting it was still playing up. It will load up at a normal speed, but when it comes down to actually playing the game it gets incredibly frustrating to watch everything happen in small bursts.


I've tried to look for a version of the 1.5 or lower patch online but I can't seem to find any way to downgrade it. If I'm stuck with 1.6 until the next patch then I just won't be able to play the game until it gets fixed. And even then, that's only if it gets fixed.


I've seen other people with the problem as well, but nobody seems to be able to find a fix for it, or if they do they haven't posted about it or anything.


Does anybody know how to fix the problem or have a download link to a patch that isn't 1.6?

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