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vortex not installing mods right


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i have only one mod installed right now and its showing up in game but the meshes and textures are not. the esp shows that its in the data folder but the mod is not working right i don't know if i might have messed up the paths or if they are wrong all together.

Edited by daulblitz
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I am having same issues and am wondering if I'm doin something wrong. I have several mods running and am using a new PC with Windows 10 and a GTX 760, game runs great, some mods do come through for example the MPX and Looksmenu run fine but, everything else loaded via Vortex does not run in game. Scripting and esp runs but, meshes and materials do not. I run around with invisible armor and weapons. I have run Xedit to check for errors and cleared a few there, ran file validation via Steam with clean results, tried mod manager loading, manual loading and mod manager install with same results and I have tried manually placing the files in each folder with zero success. I suspected it was a permissions issue in Windows and changed that around but, no change there either. I have also tried running it via compatibility with older Windows versions but, nothing changed. So far outside of the two I mentioned earlier, the only mods that work I game are the ones I download through the mod page in game. This really bites as I had some great mods I enjoyed that I can't seem to get working now. Would be interested in herein get if anyone has a fix for this, I don't think it's vortex as I reloaded NMM and had similar results as well which never happened on my old pc. So I'm fairly certain this is something that my pic is doing.
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