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For all those who love to read every book in Skyrim...


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...I am one of you! I read every book I come across, and save them all in my giant Breezehome library!


Then I said to myself "Hey, why don't you record yourself reading your favourite books out loud?" So I did. And then I added funny voices. And then I added music. And then I ate a fishystick...


All lollygagging aside, I'm a huge lore-nerd and I love reading these books out for you guys, but you guys would be doing me a huge favour by watching my video's and telling me what you think! Improvements, criticism, compliments, motivational comments, I'm happy with any feedback I can get to make these video's better in the future, for all those who enjoy the books in Skyrim as much as I do!


Thanks in advance!


Edited by SuddenlyNinja
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Thanks for the support everyone, it's been great seeing so many people coming to my video and leaving a nice comment!


I'll be recording the second book in the series (Thief) today, and since there's been so many requests for an Argonian themed book I might do The Lusty Argonian Maid tomorrow...


Stay tuned!

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