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Deadly Reflex question


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Hey, what's happenin? Just got a quick question about the "Deadly Reflex" mod for Oblivion (I hope I'm in the right place to post this question being it that DR is a mod). Can I use DR with Oblivion 1.1.511 or does it absolutely HAVE to have latest patch cuz I read through the readme file, and it didn't really say for sure cuz the only part where it said I needed latest patch was the horsecombat section, and it seemed to be specific only to that one part of the mod. Does that mean I can still use DR with 1.1 so as long as I don't use horsecombat?
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Yes. That simple. OBSE will sometimes flip out if you don't have the latest patch. Flip out as in data corruption on save games etc. DR requires OBSE. Is it possible to do it? Maybe. Recommended? No.
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Ok thanks, Russ. It's sad tho, cuz I was using DR with latest EVERYTHING including game patch, mods and every little program needed to run those mods and still had alot of crash issues that seem to happen randomly after a certain amount of time playing the game per play. OBMM was showing conflicts between DR and OOO and even Midas Magic mod. Maybe that's the problem....or maybe 1.2 is still buggy as all hell, even with the unofficial patch which I was using. Either way, I got sick of it and decided to revert to 1.1 where I had no problems whatsoever (except for Quill-Weave's house, lol). Anyway thanks for all the posts, fellas. Maybe I'll go ahead and chance it since I'm starting over from scratch anyway. Wish me luck!
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if you havent got the lastist OBSE then my advise is to get it and back up save games while useing OBSE


Col John Sheppard

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anytime someone brings up one of the 5 biggies I can't help but cringe.



Midas Magic



Better Open Cities


Hell, even Deadly reflexes made me weary until recently.


The problem is getting all of these guys to work together stabely. Then you have to worry about compatibility issues with these and other mods.


Currently I am running over 100 mods. Only 1 clothing mod, merged with all the race mods like BP and Demon Race. The rest are things such as Deadly Reflexes, Better Cities, Ruin Tails Tale, Tears of, Better interiors, Illumination, Kvach Rebuilt, Frostcraig Reborn, Blood Lines, Sirens Diception, all the official, SI, etc. All running perfectly, all at once.


While The thought of being able to go up against more and unique monsters make a weird little part inside of me smile, as a beggining modder I know I am not prepaired for them, and would much rather play with the other as mentioned without having to worry about toooooo many conflicts.


Oh, and the last biggy to be scared of is Unique Landscapes. Man does it limit you and force you to get alot of compatibility mods. :(




Hey, Here's a thought, Have you tried checking out your load order? Check out FCOM HELPER if you haven't already. The helper is awsome, and 90 some odd % accurate. I found only 1 mod out of place using it. Cleaned up alot of crash issues for me.

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Well this is just great.... I'm running 1.1 with maybe 6 or 7 mods, OOO being one of them, and still it crashed on me early in the game. It happened just as the journal entry came up after that convo between Thoronir and Argamir. I was having this problem with 1.2, and it seemed to happen in very random place at very random times. Whether it's during a journal pop-up or during battle or even reading a damn book or looking at my inventory. I'm beginning to think my crash issues are hardware-related. I suspect my hard drive that my friend gave me. He told me that he had some minor problems with it before but I, being so hard-pressed for larger storage capacity, didn't heed that warning and now am paying for that mistake. It's usually fine during the first hour or 2 into play but after that my drive starts reading like crazy no matter where I am, and I guess after awhile it just says "F*** IT!" and next thing I know I'm staring at my desktop with AVGN-style frustration. No matter cuz I'm building a brand spankin new system within the next couple months so hopefully that will solve my problems. grrrrrrrr
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