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Save Game Times

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I could really use some help with my FO3. A couple of weeks ago, I was playing and it worked fine. No CTD, no lag, nothing. Recently though, I've experienced extremely long save times. Load times are lightning fast, but when I save it takes up to 10-15 seconds of 0 FPS. I've created a merged patch, and used the FO3Edit Master Update. It might have started after I installed Mart's Mutant Mod, because Fallout just isn't fun if the Ghouls don't act like Zombies.
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From what I understand, saving in Fallout is not a very good idea.


It'd be pretty funny if I left you with just that XD but I won't.


But seriously, turn off all of your autosaves in the settings menu (from what I've personally experienced and from what I've read the vanilla autosave function can and will make your game crash if its heavily modded) and use a different autosave function known as CASM which can found here:




When I switched to CASM I significantly decreased my crashes. Theres a lot of options for CASM of when it will save, save interval, profile, number of saves to cycle through. If you have New Vegas, you should also get it, but get the Mod Configuration Menu version.

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