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Character Statue


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Remember back in Oblivion, the bit of the main quest where you've just finished closing the Great Gate and you're heading back into Bruma to restock before heading into Paradise to take down Mankar Camoran. You walk through the gates and see a familiar figure depicted in stone. You, in the best non-modded gear you had at the time.


What I'm getting at here is if it was possible in Oblivion then it should be possible to replicate it in Skyrim. All that is required is to check the player's weapon and apparel inventory at the time of requesting a statue, duplicate the items to a mannequin-like NPC with the player's race and face data (Something I know Amethyst Hollow had managed to do) and give the entire thing a stone texture over the top (Likely the hardest part).


And how hard could that be?

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