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Adding Perk through Magic Effect/Ability Bugged?


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I'm implementing weapon "damage types" (slashing, pierce, etc. via keywords) into my mod so that they can in turn be used to give creatures different resistances and vulnerabilities - skeletons being largely immune to arrows, for example. After fiddling around with trying to get the damage resistance that's native to Magic Effects to work to this end (which I failed to do), I came across an unused entry, left by the devs, that had been intended for use on Ghosts. It was apparently meant to give Ghost NPCs a 50% damage resistance, but did so as an Ability which would give them a Perk.


I simply made a new version of this Effect, pointed it to a Perk which was likewise based off of the Perk that had been intended to give Ghosts their damage resistance - etcetera and so forth. Finding this leftover Perk was a breakthrough as it used what is, so far, the only option I've seen to check a weapon dealing incoming damage for Keywords.


So what's the problem? Giving the Perk directly to an NPC works just fine - but using it by hitching it to an Ability, as the devs apparently intended for Ghosts at one point, does not. No effect whatsoever.


Is this a known problem - the inability to give a Perk through an Ability and have it work? I know there's plenty of Abilities given through Perks in Vanilla, but I'm wondering if the Ghost damage resistance might have been scrapped because the Ability->Perk method was buggy for certain Perk effects.


The key difference here of course is that Abilities can be given to a Race, while if I'm left with giving Perks directly to NPCs as my only option, it multiplies the work needed many, many times over.



For anyone else who may have also been looking for this function, the Perk effect is "Mod Incoming Damage", which allows for conditions to be set from "Perk Owner", "Attacker", and "Attacker Weapon". If using this via an Ability that gives a Perk is bugged, it might explain why the devs implemented the extra damage from Silver swords so awkwardly.



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Yep, you can't give perks to npcs via scripting nor via ability. You can only give perks to the player.

There are lots of things in the CK that will make our modding experience easier if they worked, and this is one of them.


You'll have to find another way to implement what you are trying to do or add the perk directly to npcs, which will cause a lot of conflicts with other mods.

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  • 1 year later...

Yep, you can't give perks to npcs via scripting nor via ability. You can only give perks to the player.

There are lots of things in the CK that will make our modding experience easier if they worked, and this is one of them.


You'll have to find another way to implement what you are trying to do or add the perk directly to npcs, which will cause a lot of conflicts with other mods.


Well that really misses up my plans... Are you sure that this information is accurate?

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