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Terminal - Placeatme and .Delete() Help needed.


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So I need a terminal menu for use with my Power Amor helmet mod, due to it's nature the PA hud needs to be visible while using the terminal. If I use the standard holotape method the PA hud disappears as soon as the terminal screen is loaded, if I do not use the holotape and instead create a custom terminal the PA hud does not dissapear. This has led me to look at using 'Placeatme' to spawn the terminal next to the player so they can use it to customise the PA hud. It works, however I'm having real issues removing the custom terminal from the game world or moving it to a holding cell once it has been used.


.Delete() .Disable() and MoveTo() all require object references in order to work, however Terminals do not appear to have objectreference properties they are shows as 'Terminal' and as such none of these functions appear to work on them.


Does anyone have any idea how I can work around this issue?

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PlaceAtMe returns an Objectreference, which Disable(), Delete(), and MoveTo() will all work on. So simply have something like:

Objectreference TerminalRef = Player.PlaceAtMe(YourTerminal)
TerminalRef = none
And that should do the trick, more or less. Edited by Reneer
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This worked - thanks a lot!


I Had to rejig my scripts a little but this got around the issue I faced - I now have a working terminal menu with the PA helmet shown while the player uses it. Better still, the player never knows that a terminal was spawned!

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