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could you perhaps consider lowering the time on the flood control from 60 to 30 seconds please? :)


As you've no doubt noticed, when I get a few minutes at work during downtime I pop in and like to answer what posts I can help with and I'm frequently running into the 60 second timer (even to make this post! heh). I'm sure I'm not alone in that.



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could you perhaps consider lowering the time on the flood control from 60 to 30 seconds please? :)


As you've no doubt noticed, when I get a few minutes at work during downtime I pop in and like to answer what posts I can help with and I'm frequently running into the 60 second timer (even to make this post! heh). I'm sure I'm not alone in that.



Maybe just for those people who have more than 100 posts or something... Can't lower it for new people since some would abuse it. Or maybe make it a perk for permium members, just to encourage people to give you money.


But yeah, for forum regulars, it does get a bit annoying having to wait for flood control... Although it can on occasion keep you from making posts that aren't needed.

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Although it can on occasion keep you from making posts that aren't needed.


true you can get some perspective in that time. think about life. :smile:

i really can't stand getting that warning early in the morning when there are only about 15 people logged in. i didn't even know the nexus had that until the other day, i'm usually just surfing through here and not trying to be all over the place

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