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Madness vs. Destruction


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Yeah, now that you mention it, it would be lore breaking. But I just found it wierd that while Dagon is destroying the world, the other princes are just standing by. You think ONE of them, like Azura, would intervene. But yeah, it probably would bring in other princes, most likely being Jyggalag seeing as he doesn't have a realm. Which, while a Battle Royale would be fun. From the way you talk about it, it'd be WAY too hard. (I didn't know making it so you could summon gates was such a pain, considering there's a spell on it.)


But please explain how it would break half the game. All you would really do is summon your own Oblivion gate that'll spawn friendly Seducers and Saints to help the legion. I'm not asking for a quest line. Just a spell.


EDIT: Ok, after reading the scripts from the summon Oblivion gate mod, I can say that this looks NOWHERE near as hard as you were making it out to be.

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Yeah, now that you mention it, it would be lore breaking. But I just found it wierd that while Dagon is destroying the world, the other princes are just standing by. You think ONE of them, like Azura, would intervene. But yeah, it probably would bring in other princes, most likely being Jyggalag seeing as he doesn't have a realm. Which, while a Battle Royale would be fun. From the way you talk about it, it'd be WAY too hard. (I didn't know making it so you could summon gates was such a pain, considering there's a spell on it.)


But please explain how it would break half the game. All you would really do is summon your own Oblivion gate that'll spawn friendly Seducers and Saints to help the legion. I'm not asking for a quest line. Just a spell.


EDIT: Ok, after reading the scripts from the summon Oblivion gate mod, I can say that this looks NOWHERE near as hard as you were making it out to be.

If it's one part of one quest, no, it's not too difficult, but still may not work very well since SI NPCs are coded to lose dialogues within the normal world. You may also have some faction issues to deal with, having your SI summons killing off the Tamriel Guards, or not attacking any of the other Daedra for instance. The problem is that few would be satisfied with just one part of one quest, so it would undoubtebly become more complicated as time went on.


And if I remember correctly, the player eventually gets the ability to summon a saint or seducer, they just can't do it outside SI. What you're really after is just fixing that part of things, when you think about it.

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You really have to wonder why Seducers and Saints have that error.

It's part of the blanket dialogue restructuring which was needed to keep Non-SI conversations from happening in SI and vise versa. Unfortunately Bethsoft didn't bother to use something more reliable, like factions, to control this part, and instead used a single global variable to control a half dozen different, key, aspects about the game.

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jees Vegrent you alwyas have to be such a killjoy. trust me when i preposed a mod that allowd you to recive healign from the healers of the chapels instead of just the alters he bashed my idea too. i personally really like this idea if it can be done. prehaps this can be fixed by creating clone Races of the Saints and Saducers.
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jees Vegrent you alwyas have to be such a killjoy. trust me when i preposed a mod that allowd you to recive healign from the healers of the chapels instead of just the alters he bashed my idea too. i personally really like this idea if it can be done. prehaps this can be fixed by creating clone Races of the Saints and Saducers.

You wouldn't even need to go that far, pretty much all you'd have to do would be change the conditions on dialogues... The real work of the mod would be in creating a spell which allowed you to summon such an army, and explain why that is the only power you can use outside of SI. Unlike Tnu's mod, this one has fewer, significant, technical issues, and more lore based issues. If you don't care about lore, it doesn't really matter. However, as I stated initially, having such an ability which is only good for one event which people would have to play through the main quest just to use, might not be something people would bother downloading and using. Something like this would probably be done mostly for personal entertainment, and just uploaded to share.


You call it being a killjoy, I call it being honest and realistic. Would you really want me to go leading people onto projects that are not achievable or don't accomplish very much? I tell people what they can probably expect when doing their ideas, they can always choose not to listen. While it is true, most of what I say tends to be worse case scenerios, but some people like being able to prepare themselves for when things go wrong, or know problem areas so that they can plan around them.

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