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Elven light/darkvision and visable dual wielded sheaths


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hi yall i just wanted to ask if someone could make a mod that adds a new feature to the elves ligthvision for wood and high elves and darkvision for dark elves essentially like nighteye but not the whole screen just 60% of the screen from the center spannign out like the normal night eye effect going from infared/or summin that highlights npc'sthrough to normal nightvision then normal light conditions.


darkvision i would like all fo the "sight focus" to be infared or summin that highlights npcs (will prob need custom scripting and texture overlay of some form


and additionally i would like to see a mod that makes it so you can see the sheath and the weapon of your offhand weapon when you sheath it (and prefrably some animations to go with it)


anyone can take this on but i would prefer if multiple people take it on they post onto here and collaberate to make it faster and better to make and develop.


thanks for reading and i hope soemone takes it on


oh and make the sight a toggable power rather than a spell fo some form and it would be really nice if using it in the day makes it near impossable to see (like extreme colour contrast or summin) if someone could work something out for that it would be awsome i would suggest focusing on light sources for that summin like make it that fire and light under light/darkvision has triple the light intensity or summin

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oh and the vision intended to be used with rcrn or other mods that make nights really really dark but i dont want it to work like the nightvision mods in FONV wi=hich make nights pretty much the same as the day.
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