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I don't know how to navigate this site, I don't see a topic for Fallout 4. Can a mod just please move this thread there is there is a Fallout 4 section for this forum.



I had to reinstall Fallout 4 because there was another update by Bethesda that broke the script extender yet again. I managed to reinstall Falllout 4 to get it to the latest version, and SE appears to be working now, but all my mod plugins are removed, although NMM says they are still installed they do not appear in the plugin menu. When I try to reinstall mods, the plugin text in the plugin menu is red. meaning it's not working. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have had NMM re-scan my games. I have edited Fallout4Defualt.ini (because I don't have "fallout4.ini" so I assume mine just has a different name), and edited fallout4prefs.ini as well.


I would like to play Fallout 4 which I have never been able to since SE is always being obliterated by updates from Bethesda. I would be very grateful if anyone knows how fix this.

Edited by BearExperiment
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The "Fallout 4" forum is here (found from the "Site Forums" page). As that uses a different "game engine" than this one (the "Creation Engine" vs the "Gamebryo Engine" used by FO3 & FNV), your questions are best addressed there. The "Script Extender" is different as well, even though an outgrowth of this one.



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