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Alternate Vanilla Start for Beyond Skyrim: Bruma


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I love the alternate start mod, and I really love the Beyond Skyrim: Bruma mod. One thing that's always kind of disappointed me is that when you use the Alternate Start mod to begin your game in Bruma, you can't "illegally cross the border" and begin the vanilla quest that way. I think that would be a great mod. You could start in Bruma, play around a bit, and when you get to the border crossing, you can illegally cross it and be caught by the Imperials, triggering the vanilla carriage-to-Helgen start.


And maybe they could confiscate all of your gear, which you could then recover by visiting the Helgen ruins after the tutorial is finished. There could be a chest or sack or some kind of container that contains all of the gear you acquired while playing through Bruma.


Anyway, thoughts? Is this even possible? I have never made a mod before, so I just thought I'd bring the idea up to more experienced modders in hopes that someone would like the idea and give it a shot. Thanks for reading!

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And where in Bruma are the best places to start, in your opinion? Is there a Bruma county map that you could pin them on?


Or, better yet - what are some existing Alternate Start (extensions) which start in Bruma and you would like to see them updated with the whole carriage-to-Helgen shebang?

Edited by simtam
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In the Alternate Start - Live Another Life mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272) you are able to download a Beyond Skyrim: Bruma patch that allows you two different options to begin your game in Bruma. One is to be a patron at an inn in Bruma, the other is to be investigating ruins on the outskirts of town. Either would be great for the idea I had in mind. You could choose to begin your game in Bruma, play around there, complete some quests, etc. Then walk to the border of Skyrim, and maybe you could have the option to illegally cross the border which would then begin the vanilla opening cutscene.

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In the Alternate Start - Live Another Life mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272) you are able to download a Beyond Skyrim: Bruma patch that allows you two different options to begin your game in Bruma. One is to be a patron at an inn in Bruma, the other is to be investigating ruins on the outskirts of town. Either would be great for the idea I had in mind. You could choose to begin your game in Bruma, play around there, complete some quests, etc. Then walk to the border of Skyrim, and maybe you could have the option to illegally cross the border which would then begin the vanilla opening cutscene.

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