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Skyrim Image Endorsements Wonky


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The past couple of weeks I have noticed that the endorsement/unedorsement for the Skyrim image share is behaving badly. Today I go to endorse an image here and it jumps up by three endorsements instead of one. I tried the unendorsement button just to see if it would go down by one on the chance that two other people voted on it at the same moment and instead it went up two more. After clicking endorsement/unendorsement a few more times with no results it went down by two more votes. Im guessing that this started with the code changes implemented a few weeks ago. Edited by Jupitus
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The endorsements should be unique now (so no, you can't really give more than one endorsement in the database). I solved most problems with the cache, too, but there's a small quirk remaining and it will be solved asap: when you endorse or un-endorse, the endorse button does not change accordingly. It's a cache issue, but can be annoying, so it will be fixed (as soon as we fix more urgent stuff)
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Ah... ok, I could see that something was out of wack lately, its not a big deal just didnt know if you folks were aware. Thanks for all that you do for us here.
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