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I need directions for a Voice Replacer Mod I am making


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Codsworth sounds like a fancy english man.
I want him to sound like a surfer/stoner dude

I have been told I have a really good sounding voice.
I first started getting this compliment (a lot) when I worked drive thru at a fast food place. A lot of customers said they thought my intro line was a recording.
I have made facebook/IG videos where I am talking. People comment on my voice quality and not the video.
I used to sing and I have around a 5 or 6 octave range (I have met 2 girls who have been able to sing higher than me).

I want to convert all of Codsworth lines into Surfer Bro type of lingo.
It would need to be lore friendly so I would want everything to be as close to the original lines as possible, but surfer-ified so that I can still use slang terms.

Does anybody know of a way for me to be able to unpack all of the data or something and find all of Codsworth's voice lines?

I've also never modded anything in my life ever hi guys. I'm not looking for basic instruction on how to mod, I can google that stuff. I just want to find out before hand if what I can do is even possible.

I know that THIS exists, but I don't know if that is EVERY line he has (plus I would REALLY need to hear HOW he is saying the lines so I can keep them context sensitive).

If anyone can point me in the right direction of how I should go about doing this, that would be really great.

If there is a small time NPC that you guys think I should start on first (because I think this is a little too ambitions for a first time experience) I might take suggestions (but i'm pretty f***ing ambitions....I wanna do this).

Also sounds are huge. I'm worried something like this would be literal gigabytes. pls halp


Edited by poisenbery
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Someone tried telling me in a PM that

1 - You could sojourn to the Fallout Wiki or Bethnet for a transcript, or, watch "Let's Play Vids" which are sorted by theme...
2 - you could read the subtitle files for codsworth (there's a how-to tangent in the Optimization Thread).
or, 3 -
you can replay FO4 for those specific scenes.

There was a fourth option,
which used Scripts and Console Commands
to play QuestAliasRefID to cause an NPC to play all of their possible dialogue all at once,
though that is since unlisted.
You can certainly still use Console Commands to manually play each line however.

Which is absolute bullshit.
You can use BAE to extract the files and a converter to convert them to WAV.
It seems like there are some people who give "Advice" with the express purpose of making it seem harder than it is, so that they can scare away potential modders.

You people disgust me. You should be helping people who are trying to learn, not using bullshit tactics like that to scare them out of doing something.

This allows me to start the recording process.

Thanks google.

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